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Around four or more corners or corner pieces...

It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the exhibition Around four or more corners or corner pieces...

The turning point in this exhibition is, needless to say, corners. Our lives consist of corners. Rooms, buildings, streets, magazines, books, mirrors etc. have corners. We hope for something new around the next corner, we paint ourselves into corners, and have dark (or light) corners of our minds, as dunces we are put in the corner …. and many people need an extra corner to place something in. Corners are essential.

The exhibition Around four or more corners or corner pieces... presents the idea of the corner, being cornered, how to use them (or not to) and generally how they have been part of art production and art history. In exhibition-making sometimes corners make the exhibition, solve the problem, however sometimes they are just that – the problem. The exhibition Around four or more corners or corner pieces... consists only of corner pieces intended by the artists to be placed in corners or relating to a corner, the works are neither problems or problem solvers, the works constitute the corner solution.

The exhibition presents 12 corner works produced by 12 internationally acclaimed artists, all produced within the last 50 years. The following works are included in the exhibition:

Jay Chung, Q Takeki Maeda, Dead Corner [When Buffetted], 2009
Robert Gober, Corner Bed, 1987
Felix Gonzales-Torres, Untitled (Public Opinion), 1991. Black rod licorice candies individually wrapped in cellophane, endless supply, ideal weight: 700 lbs (317.5 kg), dimensions variable
Martin Kippenberger, Martin, ab in die Ecke und schäm dich [Martin, into the Corner, You Should Be Ashamed of Yourself], 1989
Liz Larner, Corner Basher, 1988
Bruce Nauman, Setting a good corner (allegory and metaphor), 1999
Henrik Olesen, Rechte Ecke, 2003
Amalia Pica, Speaker's Corner, 2008
Adrian Piper, Cornered, 1988
Dan Rees, Payne’s Grey and Vermillion, 2009
Fred Sandback, Untitled (sculptural study, Three part corner construction), 1981
Richard Serra, Equal (Corner Prop Piece), 1969-70

Four artists are invited to produce site-specific new corner pieces (these works have to be imagined, since the artists have not been informed about this exhibition and have therefore not been able to produce the corner works): Isa Genzken, Henriette Heise, Alfredo Jaar and Mandla Reuter.

Squarepusher will make the soundscape "Smoke" for the exhibition. This will be included on the vinyl record accompanying the exhibition. The LP will also include the new tracks "Alison’s Corner" by Sonic Youth, "Cornershop" by Saint Etienne, "xx aiii" by OOIOO, "Drei plus Drei makes Vier" by The Breeders, "Up in a Corner" by Pet Shop Boys, "Soft Curves" by Sun Foot, "Brick Bear" by Animal Collective and the spoken word pieces "Basement Deep" by David Lynch and "The Rattle in the Corner" by Tom Waits.

The record booklet will include the disappeared - but recently discovered text - "Inside the Corner" by Brian O’Doherty.

In addition to the exhibition an opening reception will be held at Rietveld’s Schröder House, Utrecht. Here triangular sandwiches will be served with double dip sodas delivered by St. Francis Fountain, San Francisco, 2801 24th Street (corner York).

Click on the image to check out the exhibition >>>

The online exhibition press release was published in the Magazine NERO, fall 2011

Page last modified on May 20, 2012, at 02:03 PM