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Posters, videos and other stuff

Consulta, Centre d'Art Santa Mònica, Barcelona, Spain, July - Sep 2004

For Consulta I was asked to do a geographically oriented Danish book and video presentation. I titled the project Posters, videos and other stuff to make the project open-ended.

12 artists were invited to make proposals for posters announcing the show at Centre d'Art Santa Mònica. Each poster was to include all the information a regular exhibition poster holds and was as such displayed in the exhibition.

Poster artists: BankMalbekRau, Jesper Fabricius, FOS, Thorgej Steen Hansen, Husk Mit Navn (Remember My Name), Jakob Kolding, Julie Nord, Christian Schmidt-Rasmussen, Tommy Støckel, Mette Vangsgaard, Anna Fro Vodder and Mette Winckelmann

Video works:
Matthew Buckingham & Joachim Koester: "Sandra of the tulip house or how to live in a free state" (2002)
Eva Koch: "Postcard to a Ballerina" (2004)
Jesper Just: "This Love is Silent" (2004)
Peter Land: "The Ride" (2002)
Ann Lislegaard: "Eyes Wide Open" (2002)
Jørgen Michaelsen: "Actors in Post-Cultural Space I-III" (2004)
Henriette Heise: "Ventilated Space" (2002)
Pia Rönicke: "Somewhere Out There" (1998)
Elsebeth Jørgensen: "Unpacking My Library III: Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac" (2002)
Lars Mathisen: "Safe Condition Humming" (2003)

Page last modified on October 25, 2009, at 12:25 AM